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River Circles@3x.png

A Typical Day

Classes are held Monday through Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The school year runs from early September through late May. Families may request a schedule of 3, 4 or 5 mornings a week. River Park is located at 212 East Capitol Street, NE, in Washington, D.C., in a light-filled classroom in the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (no affiliation).

8:45      Children arrive


9:15       Free play on blue carpet


9:30       Circle time


10:00     Snack and bathroom time


10:15     Activity time


11:15     Outdoor play


11:45     Story time


12:00     Lunch/Puzzles and toys


12:45     Pick-up begins


1:00       Teacher planning and conferences

After school, parents and caregivers typically meet up outside school, or, at a park, extending play.


Virtual Classroom Tour

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