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Why River Park Nursery School?

The program is designed to encourage individual growth and development by fostering a love for learning, creativity, and exploration, and by sharing a sense of values, self-worth and good citizenship. Our teachers offer caring and individualized attehtion, ensuring that every child makes a positive transition into the school experience.  


Ms. Erin Crouse, along with her teaching assistant Ms. Monica Cesario, instruct daily classes and develop program materials. Ms. Erin has a BS in Elementary Education and a Masters Degree in Early Childhood Education.


With a teacher-student ratio of 5:1, River Park offers highly individualized attention. 


River Park Nursery School is located at 212 East Capitol Street, NE, in Washington, D.C., in a light-filled classroom at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (no affiliation).



Classes are held Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The school year runs from September through early June. Families may request a schedule of 3, 4 or 5 mornings a week. 


Strong parent involvement defines the River Park community. Because the school is a co-operative, parent-run organization, the Director and Teaching Assistant are the only paid staff. All administrative duties are carried out by the parents. Parents assist with field trips, organize fundraising, and serve on the Board of Directors. Parents also assist in the classroom, generally, once every three months.

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